Monday, April 16, 2012

Metal Book Mark

I am a tear drop shaped metal book mark.  On one side, I have a quote from Confucius, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”  I also have a ribbon attached to my smaller end which had a plastic flower-like thing with individual leaves which each have a word but most are broken off and I only have 3 left, Decide, Light, and Grow.  It’s important to place me properly to mark the correct page of a book.  When I am placed I am able to see the two pages I am between, so I get glimpses of what the book is about.  It’s interesting to only get some of the story so then I may make up the rest and even a sad story can be happy if I imagine it that way.

There have been times when I’ve been placed next to other book marks, some of better quality than I and some of worse quality.  Quality doesn’t always matter, our jobs are too important.  Once I was next to a paper book mark but it was Ronan’s favorite and so it didn’t matter that it was made of paper and I of metal.  We are not comparable because we are chosen out of something more than ego but of heart.

Besides my quote from Confucius my advice is to read more.  Lose yourself in a book.  Meet new friends, discover a new world.  Learn new things or re-learn about the past.  Use me until all of my flower leaves have broken or until you can no longer read the quote. 

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