Friday, April 27, 2012


 The definition of motivation is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way or the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.  Sounds simple?  Sure it can be but it’s also personal therefore it can also be complicated.  What motivates one person may not work on another.  We’ve read that you can’t actually motivate someone else but we can inspire with good example, education, & support.  So, how do we inspire?  1st we should start by building a rapport – if motivation is personal than to help inspire someone to be motivated we must understand their personality type & what will work for them.  Once we understand what may work we can begin.

While the list is infinite here are some suggestions:  (Some we can do for the client & some we can suggest they do for themselves)

Ask them what they believe will motivate them.  Have them make a list.

Have an image or positivity buddy, who can support you in times of need

Look into a personal coach – if you can’t afford it look into bartering

Put positive image reminders everywhere – no negative pics or quotes on fridge, no one needs negativity but we all need positive reinforcement

Write a daily goal & reward – nothing big: like today I will begin a 5 min walk & my reward will be a nice long, relaxing bath

Make an affirmation notebook & read it daily or when feeling low

Focus on 1 change a week

Volunteer – when we help other people we feel good & needed

Write in a daily journal, especially the good things that happened that day

Keep a gratitude journal

Make a weight loss plan with an outline of targets and dates to have accomplished – don’t make it impossible to do & include rewards

Smile& laugh everyday – 5 minutes (in front of a mirror or not) – studies have shown it helps with depression & even healing from an injury

Watch a funny movie – again laughter really can be the best medicine

Brag – tell your friends how great you are at cooking a healthy meal or that you’ve worked out every day this week

Have accountability – make a weight loss contract & sign it

Do breathing exercises


Take a class & learn something new – get out of your comfort zone, you will feel really good about yourself & all positivity carries over to all parts of your life

Simplify - make a weekly or monthly menu

If you don’t like to cook then pick 1 day out of the week & cook & freeze so you just have to heat it up during the week – invite friends or family, it can be a weekly get together

Make & keep a goal list, not just for weight but everything – 1, 3, 6, & 12 mos. & 3, 5, & 10 years & update it when needed

Make a bet with someone – if you’re competitive you won’t want to lose

Write a cost/benefit list & post it where you can see it every day

Ask yourself what benefits you get from your current lifestyle & if it’s worth the down side

Speak & think like you’ve already achieved your goal – the subconscious doesn’t know the difference

Work out together with a buddy

Go out to lunch at salad bars and other healthy restaurants

Do a weight management program with a buddy like Weight Watchers

Have someone available to send you supportive texts, e-mails and phone calls

Have someone available to listen if you need to vent

Remember you are beautiful no matter what

Do a self-love exercise in the mirror

Write a gratitude journal daily

Getting a couple or friends massage

Join a support group

Setting & writing goals & rewards (not food rewards though)

Watch TV shows or movies that are inspirational like Biggest Loser

Start a book club for inspiring stories – look at Oprah’s book club for an example

Trade healthy recipes – there are websites

Educate on healthy foods & ways of cooking

Remember you are loved infinitely

Post reminders everywhere of why you’re doing this

Educate on ways to cope better with stress or emotional issues

Congratulate them that they are willing to give it another go, even if it’s the 2nd, 3rd, or 100th time

Have resources for nutritionists, online support, support groups, massage therapist, acupuncture, etc.

Remind them they are beautiful and perfect as they are right now

Remind them of all their other amazing qualities

There is more to life than being skinny

Geneen Roth is also an amazing author who writes about her struggles with compulsive eating and has lost and gained over 1,000 lbs. in her life. She's very inspirational and a great resource!

"That was then, this is now".  When they can really grasp and accept that, their past beliefs won't interfere with their future success.

Hypnotherapy and life coaching can help.

Different types of support such as family, friends, groups, classes (If a friend or family member will join in too, that is double the support), volunteering (giving to others is self-supporting).

Starting with just one thing....each time you see the results, it will motivate you to do more. Start with number 1 on the 8 steps to weight loss - do just that until you feel ready to take on number 2 (possibly no longer than 1 month between adding a step - it only takes 3 weeks to develop a habit!)

Exercise does not need to be boring. What do you like to do that involves movement? Do it!

Humor - got to have it!  This is an exercise video example of laughter at work on the abs.

  Also funny movies with a friend.  Start your day with a funny YouTube clip.

Music, music, music! Get up and move to it (exercise for the body) or sit back and relax to it (reduce stress)

We could post movie ideas (inspirational, feel good, funny, health documentaries) YouTube videos, classes, groups, volunteer opportunities, etc.

Motivation suggestion and ideas for losing weight

-Make small changes! – It’s ok to go slowly.  Get comfortable with each step before moving on

-Seek help!  Look to family & friends

-Seek alternative sources of help!

Sometimes we get fixate that they only way that we are going to lose weight is by stop eating and doing lots and lots of exercise!  Hypnotherapy, meditation, tapping, yoga, breathing, Ayurveda, are but a few of alternative paths that individuals can try to explore in their quest to losing weight!

Join a Facebook group – there are many, it’s free & fun

Make weekly challenges – but make it real, not so hard it will never be accomplished

Remember you NEVER fail, you just learn a way not do something.  Every experience is educational you just have to decide to learn from it.

Remember that we are all connected.  Your love of yourself is also love for your family, friends, neighbors, community, country & world.

Spirit (God or whichever name you prefer) wants to take care of yourself, be healthy & happy.


We live in a world that is full with toxics. Our bodies are saturate with toxics, to the point that some individuals are not functioning at full capacity because of them.  So it’s wise to take the time to do some spring cleaning on your body.  It’s difficult, but your body will thank you for it.

-Fasting: I know that sounds drastic, but in a world where we have so much food around us, sometimes it’s wise to disconnect ourselves from the main source of our problem, it can also be in conjunction with detox. 

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