Saturday, April 21, 2012

Modern Living May Be Making People Sick

Moving away from a natural way of living may actually be making people sick.  Today there is more disease (dis-ease) than ever before in human history.   More obesity, heart dis-ease, more cancer, more ADHD, more Autism, more mental dis-ease, more addictions, and the list goes on and on.  Modern society demands that chemicals are breathed, bathed in and eaten.  Many foods and drinks are synthetic versions of what was once all natural.  Children are developing at a much earlier age than ever before, starting puberty as young as 7 or 8, though most may start at ages 12 or 13, this is still earlier than historical ages of the 19th century when the average age of puberty was 15 for girls and 16 for boys.  Marcia Herman-Giddens and colleagues published a landmark study in 1997 about a reduction in the age of puberty among American girls. Herman-Giddings' work revealed that by age 8, 48% of black girls and almost 15% of white girls were showing signs of sexual development.

Generations past ate eggs, bacon, biscuits with butter and hash browns daily yet did not have the prevalence of high blood pressure, heart dis-ease, or high cholesterol we have today, and that was only breakfast.  These foods were farmed and prepared at home with little to no processing or bought locally from neighbors. Today, imports from all across the world may cross the dinner plate and oversight and inspection are minimal so it is unknown what additional additives may be consumed along with the foods. Water is used in baths and toilets and then sent to open waterways to eventually contaminate the oceans or the dirty water is “cleaned and purified” then re-used.  Modern factories spew plumes of chemical cast off into the air causing air pollution.  Antibiotics and hormones are pumped into livestock; cloned animals are sold for food without being labeled as such.  Seeds are genetically modified and large corporations are suing the small farmers if it’s thought trademarked GMO seed has contaminated the small farmer’s fields.  It is a large, complicated issue with many opinions but for the individual it may be as uncomplicated as deciding to be healthy.

Today, the question is how to live in the modern world while living a natural, holistic life?  The answer is simple though the implementation may be more complicated.  Eat whole foods from an organic source; drink water, yes, filtered; clean with natural cleansers, avoiding chemicals; use natural personal products; waste less; and exercise.  How is this done?  Buy local and in season, plant a garden or shop at a farmer’s market, if you eat meat and seafood, buy only free range, grass fed or wild caught. You can make cleaners that contain no chemicals with little effort. Look for alternatives to western medicine, acupuncture, massage, yoga, herbals, even daily affirmations help with stress. Start slow by making a few changes at a time.  Every little change helps the environment and the body.  There are many resources available online and in print.  The myth is that it takes much more money to live a healthier lifestyle but take into consideration the skyrocketing costs of healthcare.  Each person must decide what their health is worth.

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